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How G.S.T. Works
  Most goods and services supplied in New Zealand have GST added to the price. GST-registered businesses charge GST on their sales, and claim back the GST on their purchases. They pay the difference to Inland Revenue. The final consumer of a product ends up paying the GST, and can't claim it back.

Unregistered Businesses Businesses that aren't GST-registered can't charge GST on their sales, or claim back the GST on their purchases.

Importing The issue of GST charged on imports and their recovery is covered in our Page "GST and Importing" as there are a number of specific issues related to this. 

Exporting If you manufacture any product in New Zealand and export it you can claim back the GST inputs but only return the exported sale at a rate of Zero GST. 
The only exemption is Financial transactions for which GST is not returned as an output or sales amount. There are tight rules applicable to this area.
If your export or are involved in financial transactions then consult your accountant on how these will impact your GST returns. There is a difference between exporting and the rule applied for services where services are provided outside of the country for use in the country and rules established in 2002 cover this specifically.

Publications As with other taxes the Inland Revenue has available free GST Guides GST - Do you need to register? (GST 605) GST Guide (GST 600) and the later all companies should hold a copy for ready reference.




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